Constitutions and diathesis


The Genomic Diet 20st chapter: Constitutions and diathesis

As I have said many times, each of us is completely different from another individual.

We have signs that show striking diversity within ourselves. Homeopathy disease manifests itself through a mutual
influence between the cause of a different nature such as environmental, physical, mental or chemistry, and the capacity of the individual and his genetic makeup.

According to the principles of homeopathy, the mood of the patient is the most important symptom as well as the land where we find general characteristics such as constitution, psychophysical characteristics, and the diathesis which sets a person’s predisposition to develop a specific disease.

Homeopathy, constitutions and diathesis

There four homeopathic constitutions: Sulfurica, Carbon, Phosphorus, Fluorica.

The diathesis are: Sycotic, Psoriatic, Luesinica, Tuberculin. The interpretation of the signs of the constitution and diathesis give us further indication for the creation of a regime appropriate to the subject.

Example: Sulfuric may be thin or fat. It’s hypercritical, nervous, intoxicated, and its metabolism is altered. In fact, one can develop diabetes and become obese if he is diathesis sycotic which tends to promote water retention.

Liquid trace elements

Even Jacques Menetrier and Gabriel Bertrand, in their continuing studies on trace elements, called diathesis predispositions or constitutions as psycho-physical characteristics of an individual.

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This concept, which seems outdated in modern medicine, rejects medical semiotics and removes it from examination by Medicine and Surgery. But it’s still very present in nutritional standards.

Example first diathesis

The person in the morning can’t get the necessary energy to face the day. But at night, one almost never goes to sleep as he belongs to the first diathesis.

One can suffer from allergies, thyroid problems, headaches, and skin problems such as eczema, hives, gout and joint pain.

His power source should be protein in the morning and low carbohydrates during dinner.

He should increase his share of vegetables and fruits.

To avoid joint pain, one should reduce fatty foods especially meat. In the presence of gout, diet should be integrated with alkaline salts.

One should avoid foods that that can be easy for the liver such as cheese.

Example second diathesis

The active person in the morning and tired at night belongs to the second diathesis

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Can suffer from colitis, rectal colitis, enterocolitis, or duodenal ulcer

It’s crafted with asthma.

One take into account a good integration of FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), prebiotics and probiotics.

You should avoid foods that can trigger colitis. Carbohydrates can be consumed in the morning and in the evening, you can eat protein.

These first two diathesis are typical of young people. The third and fourth are for the elderly.

Those who are tired in the morning and even more so in the evening, belong to the third diathesis.

He has little memory and concentration, can suffer from visceral spasm, and hypertension.

He should limit salt, increase the intake of water, and take lactobacillus.

The weary chronic belongs to the fourth diathesis.

He suffers from depression and may have sexual problems. He should increase the intake of fluids, and reduce fats and fatty foods.

The fifth diathesis is mainly linked to hormonal disorders.

With Jacques Menetrier’s diathesis, we must also associate the rainbow constitution of the examined person.

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