Food combinations

What are the correct food combinations?

Food combinations

Food combinations how to activate the glutathione contained in the avocado

Have you ever wondered how it is necessary to take a food that has a pharmacological power?

What are the measures that must be followed to stimulate the endogenous enzymatic activity and to send the correct biochemical information to get the best results?

Have you ever wondered how it is necessary to take a food that has a pharmacological power?

What are the measures that must be followed to stimulate the endogenous enzymatic activity and to send the correct biochemical information to get the best results?

We also introduce substances such as aromatic amines (AAS) and aromatic heterocyclic amines (HAAS) produced by cooking at high temperatures of meat or fish and for tobacco smoke, these can produce tumors.


However, our organism produces Gluathione every day, an endogenous product that has anti-oxidant and purifying properties.

Glutathione contains 3 amino acids: glutamate, cysteine, glycine.

Glutathione together with Selenium, forms an enzyme called Glutathione peroxidase and is encoded on a GPX1 gene and two other enzymes Glutathione – S-transferase M1 GSTM1 and Glutathione – S-transferase T1 GSTT1.

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However, these enzymes can have an unfavorable variant of the polymorphism (SNPs) and there is thus a reduction of the enzymatic activity and consequent oxidative damage to the cells by accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and reduction of the detoxifying activity.

People with these variants must therefore adopt a suitable lifestyle to combat these attacks.

Avocado and glutathione

The fruit of the avocado “Persea americana“. is a food that brings Glutathione to our body.

The avocado is a very ancient fruit of about 5,000 years, of tropical origin and today also cultivated in Italy.

The chemical composition of the avocado is very unbalanced in fact has a content of 89% of fat, an 8% of protein content and a 3% of sugars and a water percentage of about 76%.

The avocado has different varieties and the one that is consumed in Europe provides about 231 kcal

The fats contained, however, are above all unsaturated Omega 3 and linoleic acids that stimulate the production of good HDL cholesterol.


The avocado has a content of Vit. A retinol equivalents (μg) 14, Vit. C 18 mg Vit. E 6.4 mg. Its glycemic index is 10, low.

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Its PRAL is for 100 g of fruit – 8.66 therefore slightly alkaline, but if we take 200 g of fruit the PRAL becomes -17.32 therefore very alkaline.

The avocado is therefore a food indicated both to counteract the acidity of other foods and for the purifying power, must always be associated with foods rich in selenium, for example the nut of Brazil can contain up to 185.7 mcg of selenium for 100 g.

Among the many food associations, the American Persea can be consumed with grape juice, one of the richest foods in antioxidants 1 cup equal to 5216 units and raisins, another food rich in anti-oxidants.

To get the most out of its purifying power, Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends eating it at dinner.

@DrTraverso  titolare del  Copyright 2018


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