Intolleranze alimentari


The Genomic Diet: 10st chapter  Food intolerance

Food intolerance, or better called bio-non-foods, are subtle. Immediate symptoms subtly appear as early as 72 hours, or as late as a few years.
Conventional medicine considers only Celiac disease as a disease due to intolerance. It’s also known as gluten intolerance wheat.

Food intolerance to lactose is due to the partial or total lack of the lactase enzyme that degrades sugar. Fructose intolerance, intolerance to phenylalanine, and favism are not intolerances but specific enzyme deficiencies in processing foodlanine, and favism are not intolerances but specific enzyme deficiencies in processing food.

Food intolerance: Gluten-Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a disease that has ancient origins.

The term was introduced by Celsus in the 1st century BC and was used in the pathology of an intestinal illness with irreducible diarrhea.
The regionality and nationality has an impact on the disease. In England, there’s an incidence of 1 in 300 subjects while in neighboring regions like Ireland, the figures are doubled.

In Algeria, celiac disease is often associated with Type 1 diabetes. In this state, there is a higher incidence of disease than other populations (5.6%). In Italy, the incidence is 1 in 150 people. The figure is doubled for women. In Brazil, almost all foods are labeled with or without gluten.Celiac in the world
North America: 2,180,000 people Canada: 230,000 people

United Kingdom (UK): 1% of the population

Throughout the world, an estimated 24.3 million people have celiac disease.

(Source: Coeliac UK statistics)

It’s interesting to see a silent disease reappearing depending on supply and season.

The Indian Punjabis, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, have a power that differs between the summer and winter.

In summer, they suffer from “summer diarrhea,” and this is given by the fact that they take wheat flour while. In winter, they take corn flour (without prolamines) and manifest no symptoms attributable to celiac disease.

A person can be born with celiac or may develop celiac after a very slow process. Symptoms are sometimes immediate and serious followed by a period of regression, weight loss, nutritional deficiencies of trace elements, and most frequently, iron deficiency which leads to anemia. Calcium and magnesium deficiencies also occur which leads to osteoporosis. If the genetic tests yield a negative result, subject won’t need to undergo new checks and the patient calms down at a psychological level.

In borderline situations, before the patient undergoes DNA testing, they can also have an acknowledgment with naturopathic tests with test Kinesiology or test bioelertronic (EAV).

Physical examinations can help us positively or negatively. I’m referring to the fundamental principle that “the physical event always precedes the chemical event.”

Fever, for example, is the first manifestation of the disease. The human body intervenes before any chemical or physical interventions.

I once met a man of 40. He was mocked by his attending physician and gastroenterologist because his eye doctor had diagnosed him allergic conjunctivitis due to an intestinal malabsorption.

He wanted to undergo an examination of the EAV.

For two months, he had been following a diet low in gluten and reticulin and his endomysial tests are always “borderline.” It returned to normal and resolved with his conjunctivitis.

In the second phase of the examination, DNA testing was also performed to rule out celiac disease which confirmed its susceptibility to disease. In this case, by reducing the intake of gluten, he was able to avoid the disease.

You can avoid The Genomic Diet Intolerance gluten , the celiac disease, if you are prepared by simply reducing the use of gluten, a food that is not essential to human diet.

Table 2










The diets of people who have celiac disease today is a diet completely free of grains, triticale, and einkorn. People with celiac disease have alternatives for rice, corn, potatoes, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat.

As a patient, if you take these alternative foods that have high glycemic index (GI), when you grow old, you’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The intolerance to wheat has reached, in recent years, exponential-digits.

Thirty years ago, Dr. Pecchiai, conducted an experiment wherein he subjected grain called “Hats” to a genetic mutation with irradiation and intersected them with American wheat to create “Croesus.” He suggested that this change could lead to a transformation of gliadin which would then lead to an “intolerance” against the modified wheat.
All of this occurred 30 years ago. Thirty years ago was a different generation. During the end of these years, our generation is exhibiting symptoms of intolerance.

An example was given by people who took a different nutrition regimen, such as “vegetarians.” After 25-30 years of uninterrupted diet, they began to whow symptoms of malaise.

Repulsion towards any food intolerance, even vegetables, leads to microcytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, mineral deficiency, fatigue of the lower limbs, difficulty in concentration, ability to sleep, indifference, and depression.

As we read about genetic modification, there is a big difference between the time that must elapse between biological and cultural change. To better understand this concept of fundamental importance, I give to you an example:

If we write

“I love New York ”

our brain immediately acknowledges and senses the saddle question.

And if we write

I ♥ NY

our brain has to process the information first, but it immediately recognizes the inscription

I love New York, so the “contracted” form is immediately metabolized.

In the case of wheat, the contraction and reduction of amino acids are in the intestines. It is not immediately metabolized, so the food is not recognized until after several generations and so it creates intolerance.

Food intolerance: Lactose

Our digestive system can digest breast milk or cow milk even before we’re about 7 years old, but some babies do not digest it since birth. After this period, the enzyme lactase falls asleep, becomes quiescent, and from there, the first symptoms appears.

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Food intolerance to lactose is due to the lack of an enzyme called lactase.

This enzyme functions to break down lactose that can’t be absorbed from the intestines while they absorb its major components, galactose and glucose. If it fails to absorb them, the lactose is attacked by bacteria and intestinal microorganisms that ferment which produces gas (hydrogen and methane) and attracts water, which gives rise to dysentery.

In the large intestine lactose, attacked by bacteria, is fermented to lactic acid resulting in an activity that has antiseptic, but if it is in excess it becomes irritating.

Food intolerance to lactose causes inflammation and acidity tissue. These situations persist over time which might lead to gastro intestinal neoplasia.

Intolerance also gives rise to fermentation, bloating, diarrhea, headache, and sometimes, especially in infants and children, constipation, eczema, and skin rash that can last for days.

The food intolerance can be primary. If it’s hereditary, it can be transmitted from parent to child. It it’s secondary, it is caused by diseases such as viral or bacterial enteritis, enteropathy, HIV treatments, antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, parasites, short bowel syndrome, a disease celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases (colitis and Crohn’s disease), interventions, and intestinal resections etc., that destroy the cells that are responsible for producing the enzyme lactase.

The symptoms can either be immediate or may occur within 15 minutes to hours.

We also have “Lattofobia” and “Lattofilia.”

“Lattofilia” occurs due to a bacteria called Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Streptococcus Thermophile contained in fermented milk, which leads to mutations and favors the persistence of the enzyme Lactase.

The “Lattofobia” is unable to “change the Genes,” and the mutation does not occur.

The duration of lactase in the human body is then adjusted by the “genes.”

Hypolactasia in adults is associated with the genotype C/C to the polymorphism C/T-13910; And almost all genotype G/G polymorphism G/A-22018 (University of Helsinki)

These SNPs are associated with the regulation of the transcription of the gene LPH.

These polymorphisms (SNPs) are not found in congenital deficiencies of enzyme lactase deficiency (CLD). People inherit the autosomal recessive disorder which manifests itself from birth.

The “genes” go to meet the polymorphism if there is a variation in the population of approximately 0.05% and a mutation if the genetic variation exceeds 1%.

The transmission is autosomal recessive hereditary since it is necessary for the omoziogosi of variant C. People suffering from “primary Lactose Intolerance” carry the homozygous with a probability exceeding 95%.

For intolerance to be diagnosed, as well as genetic testing, the medical history, fecalysis, tolerance test, and the H2 breath test must all be considered.

In Italy, if we take into account the regionality and genealogy with their northern grandparents who were originally from Piedmont, Lombardy and Veneto, they have a shortage of “lactase genes,” having a value of 51% while in Sicily, they have a shortage of 71%.

If we take into consideration the ethnic groups and races, we’ll have different affinities.

For example, Americans of Asian descent are intolerant of up to 90% while Americans of African descent are intolerant up to 70%.The Caucasians are an example of lactose tolerance thanks to an “inherited genetic mutation.” About 75% of the world’s population loses the enzyme after weaning.

The remaining 25% are “lactase persistent” or “Lattofili.”

When genetic testing is carried out in children, bearing in mind that the enzyme becomes quiescent between 5 and 12 years, they can be considered for exclusion. Therefore, it useful to rule out the genetic component at the onset of any disorders related to foods containing milk or derivatives.

Most subjects can tolerate minimum quantities of 5-10 g of lactose (100-200 ml of milk, 0-20 g if from yogurt, in the child correspond to 0.5 g/kg). In children who are lactose intolerant, 12 g/day of lactose is equivalent to 200 ml of milk which can cause abdominal pain (GREMSCE 2003).

In adulthood, the prevalence of lactose malabsorption increases, but the symptoms reduce in frequency (DI STEFANO 2001).

If the amount of lactose is assumed “often and little” in children who are intolerant, their intestinal flora adapts to the load with a reduction of symptoms (HIAMES 1980).

Milk allergy should not to be confused with intolerance. This is due to the adverse reaction in the immune system against milk proteins.


Table 3


Lactase deficiency%



Native American


Southern Italy


Sicily (Italy)


Northern France


South France






Northern Europeans










Source FOOD INTOLERANCE Lactose Intolerance

Dr. B. Santini

Table 4



g/100 ml



















Sea Lion


Source FOOD INTOLERANCE Lactose Intolerance

Dr. B. Santini

Food intollerance: Phenylketonuria PKU

Phenylketonuria is an inherited metabolic disease and is carried over as an autosomal recessive trait.

Thediseaseiscausedbyadeficiencyoftheenzymephenylalanine hydroxylase (PHA) and its cofactor, teraidrobiopterina.

When phenylalanine is not converted into tyrosine, it accumulates in the body and the symptoms manifest in the nervous system.

The mutated gene is located on chromosome 12. Mutations that cause the disease are more than 400, therefore, to diagnose the disease, Guthrie test is used.

Food intollerance: Hereditary fructose intolerance IEF

Fruttosemia, or IEF, is the inability to metabolize fructose which causes symptoms in which the severity depends on the amount of fructose ingested from person to person and the age of the patient.

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Genetic diseases, which are usually autosomal recessive, occurs during weaning. It is caused by mutations in the gene by the enzyme aldolase B.

There are four particular mutations of IEF (HFI): 4E4, A149P, A174D, N330K

But they only cover 75% of intolerance that is of genetic origin, so at the moment, only 25% of patients may suffer from IEF.

The incidence is 1: 20,000 cases. They can be found in Europe, North America and Australia.

Food intolerance: Favism (anemia, spring of Baghdad)

An inherited genetic disease transmitted by the X sex chromosome.

It is manifested by the lack of an enzyme normally present in red blood cells, the G6PD glcosio-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which serves to metabolize sugars.

Its deficiency can cause hemolytic anemia and even death if the patient does not undergo transfusion immediately.
Currently, there are about 180 known mutations of G6PD which are classified into 5 classes based on the residual activity of the enzyme.

The first class is the most critical. They are extremely rare. The enzyme activity is almost nothing and then there are symptoms even without external stimulus.

In Class II, there’s less than 10% of the enzyme activity with external stimulus and symptoms appear with ingestion of fava beans, drugs, naphthalene, and certain infections.In the third class, there’s an enzyme activity of about 10-60% with mild hemolysis which is dated by external factors.

Mutations of Classes IV and V are almost always asymptomatic. L’enzimopenia G6PD is widespread. It is estimated that there are 400 million people affected by the disease.

In Southern Italy and the Po Delta, we have there’s an incidence rate of 1-3%. In Sardinia, 15%; and 30% in tropical Africa. It goes up to 50% in the North-East Thailand.

These areas have been or are in fact been infected by Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for malaria.
They have such a diverse natural selection of normal people and Malaria has outlived most people with favism.
The sick person should not seek to take favismo: broad beans, peas, and many medications.
It’s important to know that if the patient may have a hemolytic crisis, then the sick person has the right to be notified, especially when buying foods which contains broad beans, verbena hybrid plants, or if there are fields in which plants have been planted with that are very toxic to the patient’s health.

The University of Cagliari (Italy) has done a study on Sardinian centenarians and found that the Sardinians with favism are live longer and therefore, the longevity gene interacts with favism.

Also, two studies have conducted in which the results are favorable for Sardinian people:

The ProgeNIA project and “project AkeA.”

The first is concerned with the study of genes that are identifiable with the aging man.

The second, “AKeA,” is an acronym of the Sardinian wish A Kent’Annos” which means “a hundred years.”

Both studies show that there is no difference in longevity between men and women while in the rest of Italy and throughout the West, the ratio is 1:4 and sometimes even 1:7 at the expense of males.

These studies show that diet, lifestyle, genetic and environmental factors interact to make the people live longer.

Pseudo food intollerance

Pseudo food intolerance are the most common symptoms that a person feels after eating.

These symptoms are not due to intolerance or, even less, to allergies.

The people who turn nutritionists often suffer exclusively from pseudo allergies or overloads or unavailability of organic foods.
Unwanted food must not be introduced to the body. Proper food introduction must include a varied diet, chewing well, and taking account the time of the meal and the right combination.

If a person eats fruit after lunch or dinner, it creates abdominal bloating. The process of fermentation begins in salads that were prepared several hours before consumption even if they have been preserved in the cold. Once ingested, it gives rise to swelling and intestinal dysbiosis.

Vegetables should eaten during the first course, chewed very well, and chopped up. Avoid taking large amounts if you suffer from colitis and if you want to lose weight. Avoid colored vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and carrots during dinner.
Other combinations may affect the associations between dietary carbohydrates and proteins.
These fermentation processes, eating the wrong foods, combinations of foods, are not intolerances but pseudo intolerances.

The first cause of the overload is definitely intestinal dysbiosis and the lack of specific enzymes for digestion.
As we will see in more detail in the chapter “The Invisible Body,” the intestinal flora is certainly a cause for discomfort if it is abused with food and drugs.

We care about our appearances but give little importance to the intestinal bacterial flora that, on the contrary, is important for the proper functioning of our intestines and the immunity of the person.
People feel swollen and physiognomy appears when the skin is stretched, expanded, and enlarged.
Bags appear under the eyes; the belly distends; fingers become swollen in the morning. The unavailability of bio foods are usually responsible for weight gain and the accumulation of toxic factors.

They are identified with an interview with a nutritionist. The EAV method takes the blood type studies into account.
Food incompatibility does not mean not having to eat, but we must be aware that, if we continue to our habits, we’ll provoke the failure of our digestive and immune systems.

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