

The Genomic Diet: 5st chapter    Questions in search of answers

The questions to ask are: why allergies and intolerances are disproportionately rising
Every year, it increases almost exponentially and it affects people of all racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds in industrialized countries.

A lot of the symptoms are very common, all which permanently affect the head. After breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we almost find ourselves bloated. We feel our heads and limbs aching.

After 2-3 hours after finishing our meals, we feel as if though we had not eaten. We generally avoid digestive problems. We try to understand the food that caused illnesses.

The questions we ask ourselves are manifold: are allergies and intolerances a fad or are we all hypochondriacs?

Are our bodies really suffering or is our degree of tolerance too low that we accuse discomfort of digestive origin and conclude we’re sick?

Does intolerance lead to a continuous increase in weight, or do we have poor nutrition?

What are the factors that trigger all of this? Is there a remedy?

Will I be able to get out of this “tunnel”?

Is the drastic change of power creating problems or is my digestive system that sick?

These are just some the questions we ask ourselves, but we could ask a hundred more. But the questions we really want to ask and receive convincing answers are:
Are there really food intolerances?

READ  Our life food

Intolerance is the malaise of well-being


Can we change our habits and gain the nutrients we need?

I have talked with friends, acquaintances, laypeople, and nutrition professionals and I have realized that “intolerance or allergies” are on everyone’s lips. No person has ever submitted to an allergy test without whining. They claim it’s “intolerance.” Many people improperly use the term “allergy” to indicate the status of discomfort they are experiencing.

There are people who don’t even believe them:

“They don’t test for allergies. They’re just scams. They always say we’re intolerant to the same things: wheat, milk, yeast, and tomatoes

Ignorance is bliss

Allergies, intolerances, and bio-incompatibility of food or food overloads are more or less mild symptoms that should not be overlooked. Their prevalence is increasing in industrialized countries though it’s much less significant than in other countries. I tried to analyze the causes of the bio-food incompatibilities in a comprehensive and holistic approach in order to indicate a simple and feasible way to modulate and resolve the problem that afflicts hundreds of people.

The cause must be sought at the start, not the symptom. We can’t expect to eliminate certain foods to solve the problem. The basic problem is to figure out if a food is or is not compatible with our body. Eliminating food will lead to eliminating another food and the process will go on and on, but it will eventually get worse than the initial situation.

READ  The invisible body

I have met more than one person who has stopped eating food and doing exclusion diets. Little by little, he had removed foods until he had a diet that consisted of a dozen foods. Unfortunately, it led to other problems of digestion and he developed “total intolerance syndrome to the intolerance .”

He excluded foods to solve a problem and he created a nutritional deficiency that leads to intolerance total. Finding the thread that leads to the development of food incompatibility means eradicating and resolving the issue by using a few nutritional strategies to reverse the symptoms in a short time.

Through this, and all the questions I have mentioned earlier, we can improve ourselves. And if we are responsible and positive, we can eventually find the wellness that we have lost.

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