

The Genomic Diet 17 st chapter: The blood group diet

Peter D’Adamo, an American naturopath, studied a diet that is based on a person’s blood type along with his father, Dr. James D’Adamo.
The two scholars joined genetics with nutrition, immunology, anthropology, hematology, and medical clinic.

D’Adamo published two books in 1997, namely: “Eat Right 4 Your Type” and in 2001, “Live Right 4 Your Type.”
In the United States of America and in Europe, a lot of people have decided to try the Blood Type Diet.

In my first two books, I brought the notions of author as he has studied and disseminated food’s valence, detoxification, and slimming properties.

In this book, I have taken his work into personal consideration after 9 years of research done by other researches.

The Italian translation of these books gives ample space to the Blood Type Diet as an innovative method for weight loss although the studies were not based solely on weight loss.

The medical profession has ridiculed and snubbed these studies and the Blood Type diet soon disappeared like so many others.

I am also a naturopath like Peter D’Adamo. I continue to disseminate his method of proposing it in its most natural form. I believe that these studies have a scientific basis.

I think that its applications are important for all those who want to benefit from it. It provides energy that few other diets can give us.




I want to point out first that the word diet should not be interpreted as a method of feeding where food must be weighed and taken into account with calories. Rather, diet takes into account the exact etymology; namely, lifestyle.

The Blood Type diet is not only a slimming diet, it is a targeted diet that aims to clean and maintain bodily comfort which, consequently, leads to a loss of weight and elimination of toxins.

The four blood types are: 0, A, B, and AB. They are so called because they allow people to exchange blood with each other.

They are genetically determined at conception like the color of hair and eyes

Group 0

The first group we shall consider is blood group 0.

The first people with this blood type were who men lived in restricted communities and subsisted on fruits, vegetables and game.

Over time, they migrated from Africa to Asia and Europe, thus giving way to evolve their digestive systems and become immune to changes by created by races and other blood types.

This is the evolution of the human species called “homination.” Evolutionary processes of the human species therefore run parallel between migration and mutation and adaptation and power.

Group 0 does not feature its own antigens and antibodies (agglutinins) unlike types A and B. For this reason, Group 0 can receive blood only from Group 0.

The subject has a slender shape. He tends not to get fat. If he gets fat, it’s usually because he’s eating the wrong types of food.

In Brazil, where the population is predominantly blood type 0, I noticed that the morphology of women is changing due to the inadequate supply of blood type 0. They more or less physically resemble people belonging to the blood type A.

These people can be considered as an example of epigenetics.

The women who have blood type A have a tendency to be pear shaped.

Group A

Group A come from the Middle East and they are predominantly vegetarian.

Group A appears in adaptive mutation. In turn, people belonging to Group A has antigens and antibodies that B has but they can’t receive blood from a person with blood type B.

Conversely, Group B also appears in adaptive mutation. Group B antigens and antibodies are similar to that of A’s but they also can’t receive blood from group A.

Group B

People from Group B come from the Himalayas. They are sturdily built and their diet is mainly composed of sheep veal.
Their diets, when mixed with dairy products, results to the transformation of sugar bound to the red blood cell.

Group B has, in addition to fucose, vitamin D-galactosamine-which is contained in milk.

Group AB

The blood of the AB Group, unlike A and B, is a genetic cross of A and B. It has AB antigens but it has no anti-bodies A and B and can receive blood from all other Groups including 0, A, B, and AB, but it can only donate to AB blood people.

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People in Group AB are a cross between a vegetarian and a dairy product eater. Their physical shapes are a cross between Groups A and B.

The physical Blood Type is just a statistic because the constitution is always linked to the genes. But in the case of the Brazilian women, their food intake may affect the physical appearance.

In his studies, D’Adamo said that between food, blood groups and diseases have a link.


Foods contain “lectins,” which more or less is toxic to the body. This is the link between food and “Groups AB0.”With this biological phenomenon of the “Linkage,” we have the linbetween blood types and disease.

Dr. Stanislao Aloisi writes, in the journal Health & Harmony Natural n. 42 May 2008,

“Lectins” contained in incompatible foods agglutinate red blood cells to the subject under examination by forming “lectin bridges.” This also takes place on the intestinal villi, resulting in local production of polyamines (cadaverine, putrescine, spermidine, spermine).
If it is left to continue, it will have pathological consequences at the systemic level especially if you have negative interference phenomena of “Linkage” the locus of the system “ABO” is positioned at a precise point in the nuclear DNA (9q34).”


Polyamines are essential amines and, with the right concentration, are the key to cell growth, metabolism. They are also used for the renewal of the body.

Prof. Franco Berrino, a renowned Nutritionist of the Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine from the National Cancer Institute of Milan, talking about cancer prevention with dietary polyamines, says that: “putrescine, spermine and spermidine” can be promoters of cell proliferation.

Children need polyamines to grow, but unfortunately, it doesn’t have selective properties and therefore acts equally on both good cells and diseased cells that causes cancer.

Polyamines can be found in meats and aged cheeses. Polyamines are also present in the plant kingdom in the form
of oranges, kiwis, and bananas. They contain high levels of lysine and arginine

The conversion of the amino acids arginine and lysine is the work of intestinal flora.


The antigens in the blood are very active. A person receiving the wrong blood transfusion (eg. whether administering blood type B in a subject group 0) results to agglutination which leads to death in a short time.

The agglutination neutralizes the electrical charge of the cells. They’d no longer repel each other and stick to each other.

The agglutination is a phenomenon of antibodies against specific agglutinins which are present in the blood.
These lectins or hemagglutinin may lead to agglutination of the blood.

The lectins, with their glue effect, can be found sticking on the intestinal microvilli, but some of these can be found beyond the GALT and they therefore reduce organ function.

Thus, they form clusters of blood cells that no longer play their role in transporting nutrients. It creates imbalances to the entire body over time.


In vegetables, grains and legumes, these lectins are universally recognized as anti-nutritional factors.
These lectins are destroyed in potatoes when they are cooked. In soybeans, the hemagglutinin aggregates and destroys erythrocytes.

Peas are neutral for all blood types. The lectins block pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).

When I was working with the blood type diet, I have read in-depth statements by Peter D’Adamo.

“First man”

I have to dispute some of the interpretations and criticisms of the method. I have already talked about how it leads to weight loss as D’Adamo said in his study too people who have blood type 0 in their veins when they eat the flesh of swine and drink wine.

D’Adamo indicates that people with blood type 0 are big meat eaters with very active immune and digestive systems.

I’m not convinced that the first man was an excellent carnivore. Tracing back to the distant past, the “first man” lived in forests.

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They ran to catch animals. He struggled against them to kill them before he could eat their meat.

For this reason, was man therefore a carnivore?



Running and killing an animal requires a lot of energy. To do physical activities and aerobic and anaerobic exercises, where would man get all this energy?

Definitely not from meat.

Animal proteins do not produce energy. At best, animal meat would only lead to gluconeogenesis, a laborious process that reconverts proteins into sugars.

The energy must have come from carbohydrates or fats. Our hominid was therefore an eater of fruits, vegetables, berries, tubes, and animal protein and seafood. They must have also eaten insects and eggs, and namely food that is easy to find.

Our ancestors were therefore vegetarians who ate meat occasionally.

This means that, while they might have chased rabbits or caught fish, they mostly ate fruits and vegetables.

It’s a sure thing that, for reasons unknown to us, our forefathers went from a vegetarian diet to a diet that also included animal protein. They began to develop a nervous system and higher intelligence.

I believe that the indication given by Peter D’Adamo in respect of persons belonging to Group 0 should not be read as if they were carnivores par excellence, but as individuals who had a carnivorous diet from time to time because they don’t always manage to get a kill.

A political-social choice?

Another consideration and reflection on D’Adamo’s methods is the incompatibility of all blood types with pork, but I have not found any reference and logical explanation as to why.

Can I assume that D’Adamo does not recommend pork because, being the only animal with an amino acid sequence most similar to ours, that the lectins contained in them created disturbances on all blood groups?

Or was it a political-social choice? Let me explain.

In the U.S., multiple religious and ethnic groups converge. Muslims and Jews don’t eat pork so it’s not possible to say that certain religions forgone pork because it was advantageous.

This could be an explanation, albeit a bit questionable. Even wine drinking is forbidden in Islam, but as we have seen in “Lambrusco,” wine, in limited doses, can be medicinal.

In interpreting the Blood Type Diet, it must be seen as a diet that primarly purifies the body and maintains man’s psycho-physical well-being.

Our body takes the benefits from food, purifies it, and gives us energy.

These foods are considered as medicine. Banned foods are considered poisons that pollute the body.

Then, there are the neutral, supplementary foods.

If we follow the diet Peter D’Adamo proposed to the letter and completely exclude certain foods however, we run into the discomfort of losing the memory of food, and lose the enzymes that digest the food most associated with that enzyme.

We must also take into account that recent studies tell us that “forbidden” foods may contain lectins of great interest.

In the fruits of Musa acuminata and Musa paradisiaca, a lectin named BanLect that has anti-cancer and anti-HIV properties can be found.

(AH Cheung Wong Jh TB Ng Faculty of Medicine,
Chinese University of Hong Kong and
University of Michigam division Diseases)

RH factor

Peter D’Adamo, in his study, does not the RH factor or Rhesus factor into account.

The RH factor, which refers to the presence of a protein antigen located on the surface of red blood cells, is also of hereditary genetic origin.

If an individual, in his own group, is Rhesus factor positive, it’s opposed to the genetic makeup of his parents because they are probably negative.

All this however, does not fit and does not affect Peter d’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet.





Table 6




















































Table 7

Average percentage of blood groups in the population.

Group 0


Group A


Group B


Group AB




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