sfogliatelle Lobster Tail

The sfogliatelle Lobster Tail, a sweet or savory dessert

The sfogliatelle, Lobster Tail, are a typical Italian recipe of the Campania region, one of the many docli of Naples.

The recipe to prepare the sfogliatelle is very simple and requires a maximum of 45 minutes.

The sfogliatella differs in “riccia” or “frolla”, the recipe that follows is to prepare the “riccia”.

Ingredients for the sfogliatelle, Lobster Tail, “riccia” 

Ricotta cheese or Kefir Cheese



Stuffed for the savory sfogliatella

Ricotta cheese or Kefir Cheese

Cheese like gorgonzola or Parmigiano Reggiano


Preparation the sfogliatelle, Lobster Tail, “riccia”     

Take a sheet of puff pastry about 50 cm by 20 cm.

Cut the sheet into 3 strips of about 7 cm and 50 cm long. 

Brush with melted butter the first strip and overlap the second strip, repeat the operation and overlap the third strip and brush with butter.

READ  Cream of Hearts of Palm Soup

Roll the strip that has come to form, wrap it and place it for 15 minutes in the freezer so that it solidifies.

In the meantime, prepare the ricotta

Ricotta preparation

To prepare the ricotta quickly take a liter of milk, put it in a pot and heat it without boiling it.

When it is slightly warm, add an acidifier, for example: lemon juice or apple vinegar.

After a few minutes the milk will separate into whey and ricotta.

Filter in such a way as to have only the solid part.

After fifteen minutes, remove the puff pastry from the freezer and cut the 3 or 4 discs.

Le sfogliatelle, Lobster Tails

Slightly widen the pastry dough and curl in such a way as to make a cone or a hat.

READ  Sfogliatelle doce ou salgade, receita típica italiana

Fill the cone as desired with the sweet or salty mixture and close the cone.

Put baking paper on top of a baking sheet or brush with butter.

Add the sfogliatelle Lobster Tail over the pan to put in pre-heated oven at a temperature above 392 ° F ( 200° C) for about 20 minutes.

Serve the sfogliatelle  with a little icing sugar if the filling is sweet, if it is salty you can put a little salt powder.

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NB  Il testo italiano non è perfetto perché è stato adattato a Google Traduttore e Balabolka.

@DrTraverso  titolare del  Copyright 2018


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