Food allergies


The Genomic Diet:  6st chapter  The triggers of food allergies

The triggers for food bio-incompatibility are manifold.

Until recently, it was thought that allergies, intolerances, and overloads were solely attributed to physiological factors, but in recent times, there are new theories that give answers as to why these symptoms have emerged.In addition to the classic theory, which states that immunoglobulin is triggered by an allergen, we have linked allergies to psychological, social, and genetic predispositions. An atypical response in genes tell the immune system (whose primary function is to protect us from infections) to trigger an allergic reaction.

One of the causes that can trigger food allergies and intolerances may be due to the modernization that science has made in recent years. Allergies can also be triggered on a psychological level due to the widespread intolerance of people towards the events that surround us.

An intolerance to ourselves happens when we look at the mirror that reflects our ideal selves or when we want to show off and attract people’s attention on ourselves. It creates an uneasiness in us that makes us say to other people:

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“I’m the allergic-type.”

In other words, a person is really saying:

“Take care of me. I could die in an instant.”

People’s need for attention stems from the following: a turbulent childhood, the lack of a proper relationship with their parents, a separation, or failure. In my opinion, allergies are a psychosomatic illness when blood tests do not highlight any correlation with a specific allergyand where the values of IgE, histamine, neutrophils, eosinophils, and so on and so forth are normal.
Eubiotics explain the problem as a lack of adaptation of the organism to the increasing modernization, genetically modified foods, irradiated genetic mutations, and new varieties in addition to various conservation techniques.

Another cause is globalization. Cuisines from countries far from our culture often cause these reactions because they are foods that our bodies are not familiar with. And last but not least, allergies are also caused by a lack of digestive enzymes and involvement of the intestinal flora.

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The lack of involvement of intestinal flora may be caused by antibiotics, antivirals, and even by being too hygienic.
It seems paradoxical, but the increasing awareness in hygiene and the advances of medicine may have contributed to the rise of opportunistic infections and a decrease in the intestinal flora that until a few years ago were the order of the day.

As a result, our immune systems became less focused on pathogens and became more orientated towards substances of similar morphology. Humans are composed of several organs. But we’re accustomed to think and see them anatomically and physically. For example, we only notice the heart, lungs, liver, brain or skin.

We know our organs’ structure, size, color and weight.

The liver weighs about 1.4 to 2 kilograms. The skin can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The brain weighs about 1.3 to 1.40 kilograms, and the heart weighs 250-350 grams.

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